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Tail end problem in water distribution
Solution to Tail end problem through Pressure and Flow Control Valve
In colonies/areas, where no water distribution pipeline network exists; potable water is being supplied through water tankers. Generally, at the back of a water tanker, there exist four to five water outlets (besides one main outlet, which feeds water to these water outlets), to draw water. From practice, it has been observed that four to five outlets (at the back of a water tanker) are insufficient to deal with/satisfy a large number of waiting consumers.
Due to that, sometimes, consumers lose their patience and put plastic pipes into the water tanker to draw more water at the earliest. This act of consumers not only results in contamination but also results in wastage of water.
With use of present technology, we can increase the number of water faucets from four – five to a large number like 10-15. These faucets shall be installed at the back and sides of a water tanker.
Other description is similar to the description of solution to ‘tail-end problem’.